Dedicated Servers and Hosting

Dedicated servers are perfect when you need a lot of power and bandwidth, you will not have to share any of the hardware resources with other users or accounts since you will be the only one using the server.

The power is not only having all the processor and ram resources available but also the ability to make full use of them at any length of time you like. Concerning bandwidth, you get a LOT of it at your disposal, typically 200 gigabytes per month and UP!

Aside from being a great solution for heavy traffic or very busy web sites you will likely be able to run anything else you want. Other uses could be:

  • dedicated database server
  • voice communication server or multimedia streaming
  • game servers
  • IRC
  • basically anything that isn't part of the standard hosting package with regards to software or may be too processer intensive for shared plans

This all comes at a price however, dedicated server costs runs much higher than other hosting plans and will vary depending on the type of server and services you select. Besides having to select how much space, bandwidth, and which control panel you prefer, you will also have to choose server hardware specifications (predefined or customizable) and a service plan.

There are two major categories, the services and features will vary from host to host but as a general guide they are as follows:

Managed Dedicated Servers

Much like the shared plans, a managed dedicated hosting plan will place much of the maintenance and technical burdens of administering a server on the host provider. The host will do operating system and application updates, security patches, troubleshooting, reboots, hardware replacement, and help you install and configure services or applications.

Managed dedicated servers are on the upper end of the pricing tiers but the service and security will be worth it if you are not knowledgeable in or don't have the time to do server administration.

Unmanaged Dedicated Servers

Unmanaged dedicated servers are for people who know their way around the operating system(linux/unix/windows) and how to configure, secure, and administer the server and all applications or services related to web hosting and IP configuration.

This can be a daunting and time consuming task but the cost of an unmanaged server is usually much less than a managed one.

Most hosting providers will offer similar services such as server or service reboots and hardware replacement at no extra cost but configuration and technical support is usually extra or limited or charged by the hour depending on the complexity of the request.


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